Sunday, June 3, 2007


Today was quite a day. I am not really all that affected by it, but it was quite a day nonetheless!

We went to church this morning, car acting fine... things are so different there now, and I LOOOVE it, by the way. Anyway, we got into the car to drive to the Aberdeen Walmart, then home to the apartment, via route 40. We were at the stoplight at the intersection of 40 and W. Bel Air Ave., and as soon as I hit the accelerator to go, the car started to act all crazy. It did it's typical sluggish gear transition, then the battery light came on and the TRAC OFF light came on. I knew I had to get it off the road, because it was spazzing. Thank God I was in the slow lane. I pulled it right into a parked position right by Dee's Florist, and as I did, the steering wheel went dead.... Crazy enough, I seriously didn't panic! I really didn't, I was more like... wow, so I made it off the road before it died... I put it into park, then took the key out. Then, I started it back up and long story short, it's sitting in front of my Mom's. We're having Whitney take us to have it looked at in the morning. Apparently it appears that the problem is electrical now and not with the transmission which is a HUGE relief! We'll see what happens tomorrow!

This is actually funny to me... Last week Ben was aggrevated with me because I was telling him that he needed to be searching for a job closer to home, preferably in Harford County. He was online looking for a while and was getting annoyed because he wasn't finding anything new. I said to him, more matter of factly than I ever really do, "If God doesn't want you going to that job in Hanover, you won't be going." He was due to start there tomorrow, and now it doesn't look like he will be, do to our car situation. He had an interview on Friday with a contracting company on Post. The job pays a lot better and is closer to home. My sister's boyfriend used to work there and sorta got Ben the hook up on an interview. He has to wait for final word, and then needs to wait about a week for his security clearance process to be started... but Lamont thinks he probably has the job.... So, the other night when I kinda wondered where those prophetic words came from, now I think I know.....

I also had a long talk with a good friend I have had for a while today. We had some things come up between us in the past, and I do not think that they were ever truly resolved because of situations we were in before. Things have changed, and we swore to eachother that we would be up front with each other and never let someone come between us again. I feel a lot better and as if a huge weight was lifted from me. I don't know how she feels, but I am hoping that finding out the truth about a few things ends up not hurting her. I worried about telling her the things I did, but I did it with a trust that God would want us to be honest with one another, especially fellow believers. I waited to tell her the things I did, because I sort of had to, but I pray that we'll just learn from the issues that came up.... I know that it's been a hard year and half for me, as far as that goes, but I hope that we are truly headed back down a healthy road.

It's so good to be back home that I can barely stand it. I feel so much freer to be me around the people that know and love me. I couldn't wait to get away, and now I am so thankful to be back. Granted, things are a lot different, but I am so thankful that God got me out of here while He did, and brought me back into a better situation. I know we aren't supposed to look back and remenisse (I KNOW I SPELLED THAT WRONG) about how awesome the "good old days" were, but I am confident that God orchestrated this past year and a half that made no sense to me in order that I would get closer to Him! I needed to stop trusting people and rely on Him to sustain me everyday. I made some stupid choices along the way, but despite my earthliness, God still wants to use me for His good! It's always amazing to me when I can look back at a time when things made no sense in my life and see that God was working his wonders.

I'd get more specific about the situation, but it's a long story and I don't want innocent names brought into this.... just pray about the situation I described, because although I was honest with my friend, I am a little worried about how she is taking what I told her. There is still a lot of healing and forgiving that needs to go on, because of the hurts that were inflicted on us... it's always worse when the people hurting you are supposed to be spiritual leaders... I know we're all people, and we all mess up, but it hurts anyway....

Back to work on these ridiculous classes.................

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